popular printed pens

18 January, 2023

5 Reasons Printed Pens Have Become Popular

Just a few years ago, business people didn’t carry around pens with their logos on them. But today, printed pens are considered a must-have accessory, thanks to their growing popularity among professionals and students alike.  

If you’re thinking about trying out printed pens, there are many reasons you should consider doing so, because they can help your business grow differently. Here are the top reasons why printed pens have become popular

1. They're Versatile
Printed pens can be used for various purposes, from writing to drawing to doodling. They're also relatively inexpensive, which makes them an excellent option for businesses and individuals alike. Plus, they come in a wide range of styles and colours so that you can find the perfect pen for your needs.

A close relative of the ballpoint pen is another popular type: The rollerball pen. A rollerball pen uses liquid ink forced through tiny holes by a small rubber or metal ball rather than rolling, as its name suggests. Rollerball pens are smoother than other pens because the ink flows more evenly over paper due to their liquid nature (unlike ballpoint ink that's pressed onto paper). The smoother-flowing ink produces less friction with paper, making it easier to write and giving it a distinctive look and feel compared to other types of pens.

And finally, we have what may be the most versatile type: The fountain pen.

2. They fit Everyone's Handwriting Style
One of the main reasons printed pens have become popular is because they are easy to use. You don’t need special skills or training to use them — pick up a pen and start writing. This makes them ideal for busy people who don’t have time to learn how to use a new piece of technology.

3. They're Great for Gifting
The personalised print on the pen makes it perfect as a gift. These gifts make your brand stand out. Let's face it, it's tough to make yourself stand out in this day and age, but with a personalised printed pen, you can be sure that you'll always be remembered.

And if you're looking for an inexpensive way to get your company logo in front of potential customers, these pens are perfect.

Again, the cost is budget friendly for a gift. That may seem like an insignificant expense at first glance, but considering all the benefits these pens offer, their cost becomes more understandable.

4. They are Easy to Use
Printed pens have become popular because they are easy to use. You don't have to worry about ink smudging or running out of ink. Plus, they have a long shelf life. And, you can find them in various colours and styles to suit your needs. For example, if you need a waterproof pen, there's an option. If you want those that work best for kids, there are options.

5. They can Express Your Personality
Printed pens have become popular because they can help express your personality. They come in various colours, styles, and designs, so you can find one that perfectly suits your brand needs. Plus, they're a great way to show off your unique sense of style.

The Printed Pens Team